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Electrochemical Simulation Symbols, Terms, and Variables

Like any field of science and branch of chemistry, electrochemistry uses many acronyms, symbols, terms, and variables to describe physical phenomena. We use such terms as well in AfterMath Live. We strive to be clear in our presentation, but you may have your own preferences or learned using different symbols. Here, we will define and clarify our symbols, terminology, and variables used in AfterMath Live for electrochemical simulation. There are additional helpful documents you should review as you learn AfterMath Live.

Plotting Convention

By default, AfterMath Live plots data in the IUPAC convention (as does AfterMath from Pine Research). For a cyclic voltammogram, for example, data are presented as follows:

IUPAC Plotting Convention - relating to symbols used in simulation and cyclic voltammetry
IUPAC Plotting Convention for a Cyclic Voltammogram

Terms, Symbols, and Variables

Throughout AfterMath Live for Electrochemical Simulation, you will encounter various symbols and terms representing important mechanistic variables. In the following table, you can learn the meaning of the symbols used in AfterMath Live and any important corresponding notes.

Eelectrochemical reactionan electron transfer reaction
Cchemical reactiona chemical reaction involving no charge transfer
E0standard potentialstandard potential of an electrode or an electrochemical reaction couple
k0standard heterogeneous rate constantstandard heterogeneous (electron transfer at the interface) rate constant of a reaction. It is the measure of the heterogeneous kinetic facility of a redox couple
αtransfer coefficientthe measure of symmetry of the energy barrier for a single electron-transfer step (used in Butler-Volmer model of electrode kinetics)α has a complementary function, which some refer to as ß, where ß = 1 – α. In AfterMath Live, we only use α as the input, designated for the cathodic reaction (αC). To the right of the α input, you will see αC= α and αA = 1- αC. These are calculated for you as a function of your input for α, merely to prevent any confusion as to how the software interprets the value of α entered.
Ddiffusion coefficientthe rate at which a species moves under the influence of a gradience of chemical potential (i.e., concentration gradient)
C*bulk concentrationconcentration of species in bulk solutionused to set the initial concentration of a species, before any electrolysis, in bulk solution. Before electrolysis, this is also the solution|electrode interface concentration.
k1forward reaction homogeneous rate constantreciprocal values of the mean lifetime of a species, as a reaction proceeds in the forward directionmany symbols have been assigned to this element: kf, kb, kc, kox, ks, etc. In AfterMath Live, we do not wish to cause any confusion and have chosen k1 to simply mean the homogeneous rate constant in the forward direction (as written)
k-1reverse reaction homogeneous rate constantreciprocal values of the mean lifetime of a species, as a reaction proceeds in the reverse directionmany symbols have been assigned to this element: kf, kb, kc, kox, ks, etc. In AfterMath Live, we do not wish to cause any confusion and have chosen k-1 to simply mean the homogeneous rate constant in the reverse direction (as written)
Keqequilbrium rate constantthe ratio of forward and reverse rate constants at equilibriumthis value is calculated for quasi-reversible chemical reactions. It is not defined for irreversible reactions. For fully reversible reactions, only this value (and not forward and backward rates) is provided.

Reaction Arrows

When adding reactions to your mechanism in AfterMath Live Electrochemical Simulation, users will have the choice of reaction arrow. Each arrow, for each E or C reaction, has different meaning and will require different input based on the choice of arrows. AfterMath Live uses explicit boundary conditions in the simulation engine based on arrow selection, unlike other software that treats all reactions as quasireversible reactions.

ArrowReaction TypeDescriptionRequired Parameter(s)
EFully reversible electrochemical reactionNo heterogeneous rate parameter required, fully reversible boundary conditions employed
EQuasi-Reversible electrochemical reactionk0 – heterogeneous rate constant
EIrreversible electrochemical reactionk0 – heterogeneous rate constant
CFully reversible chemical reactionKeq – equilibrium rate constant
CQuasi-Reversible chemical reactionk1 – homogeneous rate constant for the forward reaction; and k-1 – homogeneous rate for the reverse reaction
CIrreversible chemical reactionk1 – homogeneous rate constant for the forward reaction