AfterMath Live – Electrochemical Simulation Online
Pine Research is exciting of offer AfterMath Live, online software for electrochemical simulation. See electrochemical simulation license options for students and instructors, advanced users, or research groups.
What is aftermathlive.com?
Welcome to an exciting new product from Pine Research Instrumentation, your trusted source for electrochemical instrumentation such as electrochemical workstations, electrode rotators, electrodes, electrochemical cells, and more. On this website, aftermathlive.com, we offer AfterMath Live, an on demand, streaming electrochemical software. Whether you have a Windows-based, OS X-based, Linux-based, or Chromebook computer, you can now access streaming sessions of software.
How can electrochemical simulation be useful for me?
We believe that simulation should be a central aspect of electrochemical science. For example, college instructors can use electrochemical simulation in parallel with lecture to help make the difficult concepts of electrochemistry come alive. Students benefit from actively exploring electrochemical theory by practically building electrochemical mechanisms and simulating them with cyclic voltammetry. Simulation can also support research in areas of electrocatalysis, inorganic chemistry, analytical electrochemistry, and more. Researchers can compare real data to simulated data, which can provide invaluable mechanistic, qualitative, and even quantitative aspects of their electrochemical data.
What edition and license type should I choose?
We offer several editions and license options to suit your application.
What if I have questions or ideas about electrochemical simulation or aftermathlive.com?
If you want to chat about how you can benefit from electrochemical simulation, let us know and we will be happy to meet virtually with you to have a fun discussion.